Our trainings and programmes for teams and departments


Many roads lead to Rome ...

A team/department or division manager needs support. Perhaps he or she is new to the role. Perhaps there is tension in the team. Perhaps there is a desire for reflection. Maybe there are performance issues. Whatever the scenario: Essentially, it’s about bringing your own issues to the fore with external help.

… and we accompany you.

We understand how to develop teams, what makes them tick and what is important. We use analytical tools, experience, empathy and clarity to ensure targeted productivity and cohesion:

  • Team-Start
    When a new team is formed, the time for a team start is well invested. The team members get to know and understand each other, and communication is put on a good footing right from the start. This allows potential and skills to be identified at an early stage and utilised in the best possible way for the joint tasks.
  • Team-Checkup
    Even successful work teams regularly need a pit stop to be able to go full throttle over long distances. Because important issues take time and are overtaken by more urgent ones in everyday life. Regular team development therefore does not need a specific trigger, but entrepreneurial foresight. Reflecting on cooperation, working on the team culture and looking at hidden potential increases team cohesion and efficiency.
  • Conflicts in the team
    Disputes are often necessary to find good solutions, but some conflicts block precisely this process. The quality of the results then decreases and dissatisfaction in the team increases. Team development is essential so that the causes can be worked out and clarified rather than recurring symptoms being combated.
  • New leadership in the team
    When a new manager takes over, there are many expectations associated with this. From employees, predecessors, the company and, of course, the new manager themselves. These expectations need to be clarified early on, because the “beginning sets the structure” and the “first 100 days” are an important basis for lasting success. So that the “newcomer” is not just introduced but becomes a manager.


Portraitfoto von ComTeam Berater Thimo Fiesel

What training and further development do your teams and departments need?

Thimo Fiesel

Please feel free to contact me – together we will find out what you and your team currently need.

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