How we work: The ComTeam Philosophy

“We empower people and organizations to shape a vibrant and sustainable working environment in a self-effective and responsible manner.”

Way of working

When we at ComTeam work with clients, we are guided by a fundamental belief: much is already in place. With this in mind, we build on the resources and strengths of our clients and collaboratively develop targeted solutions. We ensure the inclusion of as many stakeholders as possible. Whether face-to-face or in remote settings, our training is experiential and focused on direct applicability. Application, teaching, and development are intertwined at ComTeam, each enriching the other. 

Each event imparts in-depth knowledge and targeted practical skills, always tailored to your situation and the specifics of your company. 

We understand what works within a company, aware of both possibilities and limitations. 

Through regular surveys of participants and reflections with our clients, we continually ensure our quality assurance. Internal and external supervisions support this process. 

Small groups and typically two consultants ensure intensive training and workshops: in small groups and plenary sessions, on walks, or relaxed evening discussions by the fire. 

We value unique characters and respect your personality. We do not convey one-size-fits-all solutions, but support your own style, as true impact comes from within. 

Methods and structure are important but not the sole factors. Role clarity, self-assurance, conflict resolution skills, and impartiality are also crucial for successful collaboration. 

Our open seminars and numerous workshops take place across Germany in excellent partner locations. Here you will find a learning atmosphere that allows you to reflect, absorb, and concentrate. Please note that our seminars and training programmes are conducted exclusively in German.

Illustration einer Flipchart mit Pins darauf

Our mission

We support individuals and organizations in successfully shaping their path

Employees, teams, and organizations – they all face the challenge of continuously embracing new developments and learning. And they all possess potentials to be efficient and effective.

By strengthening competence and fostering both motivating and effective collaboration, we assist companies and individuals in achieving their goals and making the most of their opportunities.

And: „We use the possibilities of digitalization to increase our effectiveness.”

We strengthen the power to change

We make the need for adaptation visible and comprehensible. In doing so, we tailor change processes to the goals of the organization and the needs of the staff. We handle the inevitable and often necessary reservations and conflicts with care and constructiveness. Thus, we create a trusting and optimistic environment where the power to change can grow. This approach may be called systemic. The label is not as important to us as the methodology is.

We know what we are doing

Management fashions come and go. We rely on our consulting experience, clear agreements, transparent processes, and continuous learning. For more than four decades, we have been developing and imparting effective methods, innovative products, and comprehensive programs for all kinds of change initiatives. We think with an open mind about results and question ourselves. This is how we support our clients with targeted consulting and development services in the fields of change, coaching, leadership, culture, moderation, mediation, as well as organizational and personal development.

We handle complexity

Complexity is inevitable. To successfully navigate the dynamically interconnecting markets, models, and technologies, as well as the constantly changing social relationships, one must understand these movements and enhance their own capacity to deal with complexity. This includes tolerance for ambiguity, agility, and new leadership methods, as well as clear values, the courage to accept imperfection, a willingness to experiment, and a positive attitude towards mistakes. We develop these skills as needed in various formats and with appropriate methods.

The right mix is important to us

We promote mixed teams not only among our clients as important drivers of renewal and inspiring collaboration. We ourselves embody diversity in transdisciplinary teams. Experienced consultants with diverse professional backgrounds, industry experience, and expertise come together in our firm. What unites us all is empathy, a constant striving for improvement, and the urge for successful practical implementation. 

Value-based attitude: Of what we are not convinced, we do not do

Learning and change processes are challenging and often strenuous. However, as soon as the first hurdles are overcome and initial successes become tangible, learning and changing almost always brings joy as well. The best paths to this end must be fervently debated. As sparring partners to our clients, we stand for transparency, straightforwardness, and communication at eye level. Role clarity, the ability to deal with conflict, and impartiality create a trustworthy environment in which joint work succeeds. Of what we are not convinced, we do not do. This creates clarity and reliability for all involved.

We are all humans - and each one of us is special

We value personalities and respect their peculiarities. Accordingly, we do not convey blueprints, but support individual potentials – because real impact comes from within. We are convinced that respect, individual appreciation, inner drive, and curiosity are essential prerequisites for successful work. Therefore, the path to excellent results with us is through human, open, and reliable cooperative relationships. 

We ensure sustainable success for the benefit of as many as possible

While focusing on the specific projects and desires of our clients, we always make sure to keep an eye on the concerns behind these goals. In this way, everyone benefits: the employees and managers who collaborate in meaningful, energetic, and change-capable environments; the customers of our clients, who experience better products and services, and finally the entire company, by utilizing its potentials and developing them sustainably. 

Things that are not directly measureable are often particularly worthwhile

The necessary trust of our clients, as well as their investments in our work, are justified with high-quality consulting and proven as well as innovative methods. Together with our clients, we create convincing solutions, cultural changes, and sustainable learning experiences that have a lasting effect as both material and immaterial added value. 

Unsere Werte


Wir sorgen für wirksame Ergebnisse, die sich am Nutzen unserer Kund:innen orientieren. Wir übernehmen Verantwortung für die Qualität von Ergebnissen, für die Kultur der Zusammenarbeit und die Stimmigkeit zwischen kurz- und langfristigen Zielen.

Klarheit und Integrität

Wir sind loyal gegenüber unseren Kund:innen und gegenüber unseren Mitarbeitenden. Wir sind präzise und eindeutig. Wir erkennen und nutzen Widersprüche und Konflikte für optimale Lösungen.

Vertrauen und Respekt

Wir gestalten Arbeitsbeziehungen verlässlich, ehrlich und klar. Wir achten den Menschen in seiner Selbstbestimmtheit und respektieren die Historie, die Anliegen und Werte unserer Kund:innen. Wir bauen auf den Fähigkeiten und Ressourcen unserer Kund:innen auf und stärken sie in der Veränderungsarbeit.

Arbeitszeit ist Lebenszeit

Wir gestalten Arbeitsklima, Arbeitsstrukturen und -prozesse so, dass Leistung und Leben gemeinsam Platz haben.

Gesellschaft und Verantwortung

Wir fühlen uns verantwortlich für demokratische Grundwerte und faire Begegnungen. Wir engagieren uns sozial und setzen uns für ökologische Belange ein.

Our values


We ensure effective results that are oriented towards the benefit of our customers. We take responsibility for the quality of results, for the culture of collaboration, and for the consistency between short- and long-term goals.

Clarity and integrity

We are loyal to our customers and to our employees. We are precise and clear. We recognize and use opposition and conflicts for optimal solutions.

Trust and respect

We shape work relationships reliably, honestly, and clearly. We respect people in their self-determination and respect the history, concerns, and values of our customers. We build on the abilities and resources of our customers and strengthen them in their change efforts.

Time spent working is time spent living

We design the work environment, work structures, and processes in such a way that high job-performance and a fulfilling personal life can coexist.

Society and responsibility

We feel responsible for democratic fundamental values and fair encounters. We are socially engaged and advocate for ecological concerns.

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