Strategy Development and Purpose

Strategy and mission: bridge to the future

Strategies and mission statements serve as a targeted bridge between the present and a desired future reality of a company. They have a shaping function, provide orientation, and concentrate the forces of an organization. At the same time, they must be flexible and adaptable so as not to become a hindrance in a VUCA environment.

Given these conditions, we still frequently experience that:

  • Employees and managers lack long-term orientation and do not find their activities meaningful,
  • The top of the organization complains about lack of implementation and alignment,
  • The culture is not considered and shaped with the strategy, and then – ‘Culture eats strategy for breakfast (Peter Drucker)’ – shows the limits of the strategy.

With our approach to systemic strategy development, we take precautions and support you in developing viable and sustainable strategies, rallying the organisation behind them, and getting the horsepower for continuous implementation on the road.

From our experience: core requirements for strategy and purpose development

The top management plays a decisive role in the (further) development of a strategy. At the same time, the other levels of the organisation must be considered from the beginning and involved accordingly – they are then the ones who will largely implement the strategy and fill the resulting mission statements with life. This requires designing strategy development and implementation not separately but in an integrated manner.

A strategy should not only be technocratically driven and formulated. Which employee is thrilled when the core message is “We want to be a 2-billion-€ company”? The famous question of ‘Why’ (Simon Sinek) is not about excessive enthusiasm or ‘Purpose-Washing’. It is rather a very simple human desire for one’s own activity to have meaning beyond KPIs.

Whether with OKRs, Balanced Scorecards, or other instruments: A strategy is not only developed once but must be implemented and regularly adjusted. This is an ongoing change process and must be designed accordingly and, depending on the intensity of the strategy’s adaptation, also consciously accompanied.

We support you in these areas 

Strategie development: Whether a one-time strategy development or setting up an iterative strategy process, we collaborate with you to create the roadmap, define the required participation, and develop or moderate the necessary formats. From the strategic analysis of the starting situation to the development of strategic visions and options, examining the impact on your business model, to the derivation of strategic action fields, goals, and action plans. And with the degree of agility that suits your organisation.

Strategy implementation: We identify with you the crucial levers needed for a stringent organisational alignment and strategy implementation. We do not leave you alone with this but support you in implementing the execution process. With a clear focus on participation, repeatability, adaptability, and penetration, always considering the interactions with culture and organisation.

Purpose and mission: To really get to the Why, How, and What of an organisation, it is necessary to examine the company’s DNA and put it in context with its environment. Especially in times of rapid change, mergers, or reorientation, the orientation and motivational effect of such a process is hardly to be underestimated. 

Alignment of areas and organisational units: To achieve goals, everyone needs to row in the same direction: Not only in an entire organisation, but also in areas and departments, there is a need for alignment. We support in a resource-saving, pragmatic, motivating, and effective manner.

Illustration mit einem Wegweiser, auf dem Change steht, mit drei Personen davor
Portraitfoto von ComTeam Berater Johannes Kopf

30 minutes for orientation

We are happy to take the time to talk to you about current challenges in your organisation. This gives us an initial assessment of the type of strategy support you currently need.

Johannes Kopf

Please contact us – we look forward to scheduling an appointment.

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