ComTeam Organisationsentwicklung GmbH
Müllerstraße 4
6020 Innsbruck, Österreich
kult:agil® is our implementation of agile cultural processes. Agile not because it’s trendy at the moment. But because we take into account a basic principle that ComTeam has been applying for decades. Every change must be made visible and tangible for people as early as possible.
A golden rule for cultural processes in particular is to cut the “cultural package” into small bites. This enables cultural development in the company at an early stage and over a longer period of time.
In our agile cultural process kult:agil®, we look at two levels: The first level is that of managing the individual phases. The second level is what happens to people during cultural development.
The four imperatives “Get it!”, “Feel it!”, “Live it!” and “Love it!” are the essential steps of sustainable cultural change.
The three phases decide & construct, design & shape and prototype & transform structure the development process:
Supporting four important streams without which nothing works in cultural development:
Many of our customers want a target culture that is not simply communicated in glossy form. Rather, effective impulses should be given that actually bring about a noticeable change in culture. With kult:agil®, we work together with a unique approach. This enables us to implement your cultural development sustainably and systematically.
In this implementation, we see ourselves as a partner at eye level with differentiated experience in cultural processes.
Elke Adamer
Get in touch with us – we are looking forward to making an appointment.
ComTeam Organisationsentwicklung GmbH
Müllerstraße 4
6020 Innsbruck, Austria
+43 512 3029 850
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