ComTeam Business Coaching

Discover new perspectives & resolve business conflicts

One-on-one or for teams: our coaches bring you forward

Coaching opens the mind to personal challenges that are unclear and complex, yet lie hidden within us. When the time comes to scrutinise your actions in your professional role, coaching serves as a safeguard and helps to expand personal competencies.

When you contact us with your concern, you will work with coaches who have extensive leadership experience. We work with specialists for various fields and personal needs. Across Germany and in different regions of Austria and Switzerland.

Illustration zweier Menschen in einem Coaching-Setting; einer der beiden hält ein Dokument in der Hand, während die andere ein Buch auf dem Schoß hat und zuhört

Hands-on face-to-face-coaching: classic scenarios


  • You are new to leadership or transitioning from one leadership role to another.
  • You seek guidance on behaviors and practices in the VUCA world.
  • The digital transformation demands support during transitions.
  • You require an external perspective on strategic business matters.
  • A sparring partner for day-to-day leadership issues would be beneficial.
  • It’s time for a reassessment regarding your work relationships and topics.
  • You wish to reorient your career and clarify your aspirations for development.

Typical scenarios for team business coachings:

  • You aim to establish clarity and understanding regarding goals, roles, and responsibilities.
  • You want to develop and enhance high-performing teams.
  • There’s a need to initiate and expand team steering and self-organization.
  • You wish to promote and demand collaboration, communication, and participation within the team.
  • You want to strengthen or rekindle the team spirit and sense of unity.
  • A mindful approach to changes such as personnel shifts within the team would be beneficial.
  • You intend to collectively recognize team dynamics and resolve team conflicts.
Drei Personen sitzen an einem Tisch in einem hellen, lichtdurchfluteten Raum und führen ein Gespräch. Ein Mann und zwei Frauen sind beteiligt. Die Frau in der Mitte spricht und gestikuliert, während die beiden anderen aufmerksam zuhören. Der Mann stützt sein Kinn auf die Hand, die Frau rechts hält einen Stift. Die Atmosphäre wirkt professionell, aber freundlich, was auf ein Coaching- oder Beratungsgespräch hinweist. Im Hintergrund sind große Fenster zu sehen, die viel Tageslicht hereinlassen.

Target groups for business coaching

  • Experts and specialists
  • Managers and executives
  • Executive and c-level professionals
  • Internal consultants

Business coaching needs a clear framework.

Our coaching support extends over a predetermined period and is related to an agreed-upon objective. It’s important for coachees to commit to this process. To get to know the coach and to precisely identify the goal, an initial discussion takes place. There, the topic is outlined, and a joint approach is being developed.

Your benefits from business coaching with ComTeam

Realise your goals

Coaching can be recommended, but not prescribed: those who want to progress and take responsibility for their goals opt for coaching. Often there are many different answers, one more pressing than the other, and having a structured dialogue helps. A coach assists in weighing options and making decisions.

Generate and rediscover motivation​

Business coaching provides orientation and motivation. With external support, you often find out more quickly what you want and what you can do – and find the courage to try something new.

Ensure the accountability of your actions

In coaching, you systematically review your actions. You recognize your reactions, gain a realistic view of your tasks, and expand your range of actions. This makes your actions more accountable.

Build a trusting relationship for solutions

A trusting atmosphere is essential for successful business coaching. Only then is there a willingness to embrace new ideas and question old ones. We create a positive working atmosphere and maintain confidentiality. Conflicts and behaviours are processed without assigning blame; they are examined for their meaning and usefulness. Personal contributions and patterns of action become clear, and suitable solutions are found with their implications in the professional environment.

Portraitfoto von ComTeam Berater Thimo Fiesel

Our business coaching specialists are here for you!

Thimo Fiesel

I would be happy to advise you on your current situation:

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