Moderation & Facilitation

Facilitate meetings, workshops, and processes with a purpose-driven approach

Whether you are a leader, Scrum Master, project manager, or topic owner:

The goal is always to achieve objectives together and shape the journey as a win for everyone. And for this, you need moderation and process competence. The format type – meeting, stand-up workshop, retreat, or retro – is secondary. What matters is that you come to sustainable results together with joy. The tools of moderation are indispensable for this.

Our inhouse training courses for moderation and facilitation are specifically designed to empower employees, leaders, and teams to communicate more productively, collaborate more efficiently, and develop innovative solutions. And we understand that every company is unique. That’s why we naturally offer customized trainings tailored to your needs, your corporate culture, and your specific challenges.

Inspiration from our portfolio

Online training Moderation

lively, experience-oriented, and structured

Efficient and interactive design of meetings and workshops Our online training covers various focal points:

  • Colourful workshops with structure: creating variety without losing sight of the goal
  • Today no one will fall asleep… engaging people and involving them in the process
  • Generating substantial results: what else is important in view of the overall process
  • The Blueprint: when standard methods help, when they reach their limits, and what you can do then
Facilitating People and Change

Learning journey inhouse and in the ComTeam Academy

What characterizes “Facilitating People and Change”:

  • Introduction to the topic of change as a compact learning journey with a boot camp character
  • Insights into one’s role in the facilitation process
  • Immediate implementation in practice
  • Buddy system for feedback in the practice phase
  • Exchange and deepening with the group and trainers in the online after-work dialogue
  • Self-learning and further learning with web-based training and own app for current moderation methods
  • Translation into the target culture of your company
  • Orientation of the journey to current developments and trends
  • Implementation as a blended format – in terms of content and execution

As an inhouse format, “Facilitating People and Change” can be modified as needed.

> find out more: learn about the Academy version of our learning journey (in German)

Portraitfoto von ComTeam Berater Johannes Kopf

Are our trainings exactly what you need?

Johannes Kopf

Feel free to call me or write to me:

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