Personality & Growth

Shaping relationships and implementing methods effectively

Our inhouse trainings on personal development

We consider self-competence and social competence as the foundation for success, health, and joy in the job. Personal development and the ability to reflect are the core of professional progress. They create a fertile ground where methods and tools can be applied with a mindful attitude. 

“Let’s stay factual” is still an all-too-common illusion. Recognizing emotions in oneself and others, considering them in communication and leadership, is extremely beneficial and leads to binding results. 

Engaging with these topics requires calm and a trusted space for reflection, exchange, and insight. Transferring this into daily life and the concrete implementation in the professional context reflects our self-understanding, which stands for effectiveness.

Shaping relationships: Inhouse trainings by ComTeam

Are you wondering which tools and methods are right for the leaders in your company? An important question that is clarified through joint task clarification and the consideration of your context and challenges. However, to be effective, one needs personality – only then can we shape relationships with care and a focus on results.

Because leading is about relationships – with oneself, with employees, with leadership. Knowing the right tools and being able to apply them is important. But just as important is the attitude with which one applies them. We offer our participants the space for self-reflection and self-development and provide them with the appropriate methods to successfully influence and be sustainably effective.

Among others, we have designed and accompanied seminars on the following topics:

  • Effective communication
  • Dealing with customers
  • Presence and impact
  • Negotiation
  • Intercultural collaboration

Implementing methods powerfully: inhouse trainings by ComTeam

Bringing the right attitude to the task is, of course, fundamental. Beyond that, a toolbox is important – our knowledge-based skills – to do the job well and efficiently.

Therefore, ComTeam’s portfolio also includes selected offers that are situated on the technical side of skills. Namely, moderation as the thematic germ cell of our company. Whether it’s moderating meetings, workshops, or entire programs. Self and time management, as well as effective presenting, complement the offer. Among others, we have designed and accompanied seminars on the following topics:

  • Presentation techniques
  • Time/self-management
  • Meeting moderation
  • Workshop moderation
Portraitfoto von ComTeam Beraterin Lisa Unfried

Which personality facets would you like to strengthen?

Lisa Unfried

Please feel free to contact me – together we will find out what you and your team currently need.

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