ComTeam AG | Academy + Consulting
Erlkamer Straße 4
83607 Holzkirchen, Deutschland
Gemeinsam Ziele erreichen
Developing the strengths of individuals and teams is a priority management task and an important leadership skill. It makes your own leadership role effective and leads to sustainable results. In contrast to this: If you don’t succeed in getting people to join your team and go along with you, you may be a seen as someone who is supposed to lead, but you won’t become a “leader”.
In this seminar, you will sharpen your skills in team leadership and team development and in the development and leadership of individuals. You will specifically expand your repertoire of leadership behaviour and adapt professionally to the situation and your employees – without bending over backwards.
Please note that our academy formats are exclusively conducted in German, but can be tailored to your needs as on-site inhouse programme. If you are interested, you are most welcome to continue to our German page.
ComTeam AG | Academy + Consulting
Bergfeldstraße 11
D-83607 Holzkirchen
+49 8022 96660
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