ComTeam AG | Academy + Consulting
Erlkamer Straße 4
83607 Holzkirchen, Deutschland
Often, with the best of intentions, subject matter experts take on the dominant role in change processes. This achieves rapid and content-wise brilliant solutions on one hand, but it also carries a risk: some participants may feel left behind or that their interests are not considered. Therefore, change management requires time for thoughtful stakeholder management: Who should be brought on board? Namely, always those who must engage intensively with the change and can process – and live with – it.
A second focus must be on the impacts that change has on other projects or initiatives: To what extent does this change fit the existing company culture? Because if the change clashes with the prevailing culture, failure is a realistic possibility. That’s why the parallel development of habits, customs, and rules is essential.
The ‘simple’ formula is: commitment is created as a product of the quality of the solution, the acceptance by the stakeholders, and the integration into the environment. Because even the 150-percent technical solution will not be implemented with commitment and obligation if acceptance and integration fall short. Therefore, it is our task to ensure acceptance, quality, and integration.
The label under which we provide our consulting – whether as transformation process support, change management, or change process accompaniment – is not crucial. What unites us is a clear attitude. Continuing from here, approaches to procedures or the use of tools and methods may differ.
We ensure effective results that are oriented towards the benefit of our customers. We take responsibility for the quality of results, for the culture of collaboration, and for the consistency between short- and long-term goals.
We are loyal to our customers and to our employees. We are precise and clear. We recognize and use opposition and conflicts for optimal solutions.
We shape work relationships reliably, honestly, and clearly. We respect people in their self-determination and respect the history, concerns, and values of our customers. We build on the abilities and resources of our customers and strengthen them in their change efforts.
We design the work environment, work structures, and processes in such a way that high job-performance and a fulfilling personal life can coexist.
We feel responsible for democratic fundamental values and fair encounters. We are socially engaged and advocate for ecological concerns.
We work in co-creation with our clients! In practical terms, we recommend forming a core team: a dynamic unit to shape the change process. This team includes internal process experts, responsible parties, and those affected by the change, and meets at regular intervals. Typical agenda items include:
Developing a change process and managing it in its entirety, working on content, structures, and procedures in a project-like manner, leading employees on the path of change: various challenges that must be intricately managed in complex change projects. Especially leadership during change is critical for the success of implementation. A statement like “I believe they can handle it!” is often a risky assumption during this phase, which we counter with offers for good leadership through change.
Leading through change:
An example from our change management practice
A service company is undergoing a comprehensive and challenging process of change: the business model and strategy are changing, as well as the organization and culture. The leaders at all levels, together with the employees, must reinvent their company, maintain day-to-day business without disruption, and at the same time deal with uncertainty and resistance within the system and within themselves.
Specifically for this requirement, we developed a modular support package, the components of which were closely tied to the content and procedural needs: tightly scheduled trainings on change and cultural work, supervision and coaching offers, individual thematic workshops, and team development measures.
30 minutes for your positioning
Martin Gros
Contact us – we look forward to making an appointment.
ComTeam AG | Academy + Consulting
Bergfeldstraße 11
D-83607 Holzkirchen
+49 8022 96660
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