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ComTeam studies:

Corporate culture in everyday working life

As often as we can, we conduct studies that deal with a wide range of theories relating to corporate culture. These studies have added value for you – and for us. This is because the results provide a reliable picture of the perceptions that many of us and you collect in our daily working lives.

Here you can find everything you need to know about the ComTeam studies – both the latest 2021 study “To be or not to be … me.” as well as all other study reports.

Study 2021 | TO BE OR NOT TO BE ... ME.

The ComTeam Study 2021 on authenticity in the workplace – in times of dissolution of boundaries, new work and digitalisation.

  • How important is authenticity at work?
  • How authentic do employees and managers feel in their day-to-day work?
  • How does the blurring of spatial, content-related and social boundaries influence the individual perception of authenticity?
  • How is authenticity related to work engagement, commitment and work-life balance?
  • What influence does the corporate culture have on the experience of authenticity?


Studie 2020 | WORK.LIFE.FUTURE.

The ComTeam STUDY 2020 on the working world of the future and values in the new normal.

– To what extent have people already overcome the coronavirus crisis emotionally?

– Which values are important now and in the future, both personally and from a business perspective?

– What ideals do respondents and their companies want to stand up for in order to be fit for the future?

– What skills are key for managers to lead a company into this challenging future?

Enjoy our results report!

Download: Studienbericht 2020

Study 2019 | DIGITAL learningscapes

The 2019 ComTeam management study on learning environments and corporate culture in the digital transformation

– Cultural work as a decisive success factor for digital change.

– Only just under a third of managers believe their company is well positioned in terms of technology, culture and organisation.

– Employees will undergo more and more intensive further training in future.

– Appeal to developers of e-learning tools: Managers want to learn as a team, but digital learning environments are currently not suitable for this.

– Study shows: Concerns about the extinction of face-to-face events are unfounded. E-learning will not replace seminars and conferences, but complement them.

Download: Studienbericht 2020

Study | Personal responsibility

Many – especially younger people in companies – are now demanding more personal responsibility, more influence on decisions and more say in developments.


After all, they are predominantly the ones who are “natively” at home in the world of agility, digitalisation and globalisation, the world of holocracy and start-up culture – and who therefore hold the keys to transforming their organisations.

But how serious is this desire? Is it primarily about gaining more room for manoeuvre or is it also about taking on the associated responsibility? How willing are the managers concerned to actually hand over power and responsibility? And who benefits from this shift in the end?

Download: Studienbericht Eigenverantwortung

Changeability | Study 2015

How willing and eager to change do you think your company is?

In the ComTeam Study 2015, we asked more than 450 managing directors and board members as well as managers and employees how they feel about change in their own company. What about the willingness to change and change management skills? Which topics are associated with change, what generally goes well and, just as importantly, where are there problems?

It should be said in advance: the results do not trigger cries of joy. But change management can be learnt. Companies are advised to do so, because if you believe the trends, the intensity of change will not stagnate or even decrease in the coming years – no, it will only reach its peak. You should be prepared for this!

Download: Studienbericht Changeability!

Learning leadership with enthusiasm | Study 2015

Topics, formats and enthusiasm factors for the training and development of managers

Many industries and areas are subject to constant change, tasks within a company can change and positions can change. “Lifelong learning” is the result if specialists and managers want to be able to constantly meet new requirements.

But how is this learning organised? How must further training be organised in the 21st century in order to appeal and have a lasting effect? Which formats and topics are interesting? What developments are emerging?

As part of the eleventh study, ComTeam AG asked precisely these questions and focussed on the topic of further training for managers. The results provide personnel developers, who make up around 30% of the study participants, with an indication of what is important to managers when it comes to their own training.

Download: Studienbericht Begeistert Führung lernen

Personality and productivity | Study 2014

Do personality factors influence the economic success of a company?


Personality factors are by no means purely a private matter. Skills such as communication skills, openness and empathy as well as self-reflection and mindfulness are highly relevant for the economic productivity of a company. Nevertheless, they are still overshadowed by so-called “hard skills”, i.e. typical professional qualifications such as knowledge gained through studies, training or experience. But is this really all that matters for managers?

We asked how managing directors and board members as well as managers and employees rate themselves and their colleagues in terms of soft factors, where there is room for improvement and whether these qualities have a direct influence on the success of a company. The results surprised even us “old hands” in this business.

Download: Studienbericht Persönlichkeit und Produktivität

Erfolgsfaktor Unternehmenskultur | Studie 2013

Butterweich und eisenhart – mit den richtigen Kulturfeldern zum wirtschaftlichen Erfolg

Unternehmenskultur gewinnt zunehmend an Brisanz. Internationalisierung, Globalisierung, verstärkter Wettbewerb und Veränderungsprozesse rücken sogenannte Soft Facts mehr und mehr in den Mittelpunkt der strategischen Ausrichtung eines Unternehmens.

Die ComTeam Studie geht der Zufriedenheit in den einzelnen Feldern der Unternehmenskultur auf den Grund und fragte nach, wie es um sie in Organisationen steht. Wir wollten wissen, wie die Felder der Unternehmenskultur in der Praxis abschneiden, wo die Dinge im Lot sind und vor allem wo Aufholbedarf im Hinblick auf Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Erfolg besteht.

Haben Unternehmen die Wichtigkeit einer gelebten Unternehmenskultur für den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg erkannt und sind sie gerüstet für die Zukunft, in der sowohl harte als auch weiche Faktoren eine Rolle spielen?

Download: Studienbericht Erfolgsfaktor Unternehmenskultur

FührungsRaum | Studie 2012

Im Spannungsfeld von Regulierung, Virtualisierung und dem Kampf um Talente

Der Anspruch an Führung ist in den letzten Jahren weiter gestiegen, durch Krisen, knappe Ressourcen, durch demographische Entwicklungen oder auch Regulierung und Virtualisierung.

Mit der ComTeam Studie haben wir nachgefragt, wie viel Gestaltungsraum Führungskräften im Rahmen von virtueller Führung, zwischen Lean Management, Corporate Governance und Compliance Anforderungen oder dem Wettbewerb um junge Talente bleibt. Wir wollten wissen, was diese Einflüsse für zeitgemäße Führung bedeuten, wo Chancen liegen und wo Risiken.

Download: Studienbericht FührungsRaum

Führung im Mittelmanagement | Studie 2011

Das Mittelmanagement wird vernachlässigt, die Manager in der „Sandwich-Position“ haben zu viele Aufgaben und zu wenig Kompetenzen, sie sind unzufrieden und unmotiviert … ?

Alles Aussagen und Schlagworte zu Führungskräften im mittleren Management. Doch ist das tatsächlich so? Wie ist die Situation der Mittelmanager und wie zufrieden sind sie selbst damit? Was können Sie, was wollen Sie, wo sind ihre Stärken oder Schwächen?

Diesen Aspekten ist die ComTeam Studie auf den Grund gegangen – wir haben nachgefragt, und zwar sowohl beim Mittelmanagement selbst, als auch bei jungen wie Top-Führungskräften in den Unternehmen.

Download: Studienbericht Führung im Mittelmanagement

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