Leadership Essentials


Leadership Essentials

Welcome to your new leadership role!

Modular programme for a new level of leadership competence

Our “Leadership Essentials” programme brings together our many years of experience in supporting managers who are new to their position or are about to change roles. We have worked out the most important aspects for the optimal development of your leadership role and packed them into three modules: In the Learning Journeys, you will learn how to exert effective influence as a manager, how to achieve predefined or self-imposed goals as a team and how to keep an eye on goals and people in times of continuous change.

Whether a traditional or agile organisation, hierarchical or holacratic – leadership is about achieving goals with people, regardless of the structure.

Please note that our academy formats are exclusively conducted in German, but can be tailored to your needs as on-site inhouse programme. If you are interested, you are most welcome to continue to our German page.