ComTeam Academy + Consulting GmbH
Rigistrasse 13
8006 Zürich, Switzerland
I. Scope
II. Commissioning, services
III. Client obligations
IV. ComTeam GmbH obligations
V. Protection of work results
Documents drawn up by ComTeam GmbH, such as concepts, reports, plans, drafts, lists, graphics and calculations, may only be used for the purposes of the agreed contract. Any non-contractual use of these services, in particular for sharing or for publication, requires prior approval in writing from ComTeam GmbH. This also applies to any services provided that are not subject to specific statutory rights, in particular copyright laws.
VI. Granting of rights of use
VII. Remuneration
VIII. Liability
IX. Privacy policy
X. Severability clause
Should a commission provision or these contractual terms be or become legally invalid, this does not affect the legal effectiveness of the remaining commission provisions and these contractual terms. In this case, a legally valid provision must be agreed between the contractual parties that comes closest to the meaning, purpose and economic aims of the ineffective clause. Accordingly, the procedure should be carried out, if the commission or these contractual terms has an irregular loophole that can be closed by a supplementary interpretation of the contract.
XI. Applicable law, jurisdiction and place of performance
The business relationship between ComTeam GmbH and the client is subject to Swiss law to the exclusion of the UN Sales Convention. Jurisdiction and place of performance is Zurich, Switzerland.
ComTeam AG | Academy + Consulting
Rigistrasse 13
8006 Zurich, Switzerland
+41 52 212 4848
© ComTeam AG 2025 | Imprint | Terms and conditions | Privacy policy
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