Our Trainings and Programmes for Your Talents


Your Shooting stars…

Who are your talents? Young employees who have already distinguished themselves in a special way? A group with whom you have big plans? Experienced employees from whom others can learn a lot?

Many of our clients require a specialised development programme or training for these groups.

… are in good hands with us.

We have designed and accompanied many successful talent programs. We are always sustainably effective when we:

  • Create clarity
    In a special observation situation, it must be very clear where the journey is headed, what is expected, what awaits these talents, and under what conditions nothing happens. We ensure transparent communication at the necessary points. For example, by involving the responsible parties as guests.
  • Consider and respect each participant´s individual situation
    Depending on the type of talent involved, the programme must offer flexibility. For example, by working with a strengths assessment tool right at the start.
  • Develop, don’t judge
    We often experience an unspoken competitive situation with groups of people like these. This is always the case when the programme also serves as an assessment. Then it is more about presenting oneself well than about learning, practising and working on oneself. That’s why we leave the assessment part out of our programmes and focus on development.
Bendicht Rindlisbacher ComTeam Schweiz

Which trainings and development do your talents currently need?

Bänz Rindlisbacher

Feel free to contact me – together we will find out what you and your team need.

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