Bettina Schäfer

ComTeamGroup, Germany

My Contact Information:
Tel.: +49 30 762 399 950
Mobil: +49 177 910 1681

Coaching Education

  • ComTeam training in systemic process support, Coaching (ComTeam)
  • Further education in mediation techniques and client-centered talk therapy

Further Education

  • Mind Method (Berlin)
  • Systemic Facilitator according to Arnold Mindell
  • Client-centered talk therapy
  • Mediation method
  • Meditation and relaxation methods

Professional Background/Experience

  • Coaching experience for about 15 years
  • Responsible project manager and lecturer at a further education academy
  • Trainee in a business consultancy
  • Managing my own small business in the trade sector
  • Employed physiotherapist at the Erlangen university hospitals with a focus on: psychiatry and neurology

Main Focuses

  • Develop, expand, and deepen leadership work
  • Dealing with power and responsibility
  • Personal development
  • Reflecting on one’s own behavior and implementing change
  • Handling stress in a professional and private context

Methods, Principles

I work according to systemic approaches from the systemic organizational structure, approaches by Arnold Mindell (Deep Democracy), solution-oriented (Steve de Shazer), with the Mind-Energy Method (after Mace), reflection and mindfulness methods, Appreciative Inquiry and much more.

Target Groups

Managing directors, middle management; freelancers in change processes and phases aiming for behavioral change

Geographical Location

Göttingen, Kassel, Berlin

Coaching possible in the following languages

German and English

Personal Attitude

I quickly get to the core point in personal change processes and set helpful, supportive impulses to go one’s own way. I am very direct, possibly even provocative, but always very empathic towards my clients. I grasp the identity of my clients in depth and accompany them in the implementation of their own goals, in finding priorities in the work process and in the ability to find, maintain, and implement their own focus.