Area Development

ComTeam Consulting for your business sector

Optimal interplay within the business division

Are several functions and teams supposed to interact optimally and are bundled in one area? We are certain: there’s always something to do! 

It’s similar to a large orchestra: many different musical instruments are seeking the optimal interplay. For this purpose, there are rehearsals, discussions, decisions – to bring the perfect concert to the stage at the right moments. There can also be soloists – who are simultaneously a harmonious part of the larger whole. 

Translated to business, this means, among other things, regularly creating space for the appropriate exchange in different compositions, negotiating common goals, and setting the direction for success. And, of course, continuously working to achieve goals and create relevant contributions. It’s worth it to consciously shape area development and invest time.

When it is particularly sensible to specifically develop a division

It takes a suitable trigger and a good reason to initiate targeted division development. Typical occasions for a deliberate process, in our experience, include

  • to develop and implement an area strategy
  • to design a transformation process in the division
  • to initiate a cultural change or implement the corporate culture in the division
  • to tackle a change process
  • to design or implement a re-organization
  • to sharpen, develop, or implement roles, processes, and responsibilities
  • to strengthen collaboration – for example, based on insights from an employee survey”

We develop the appropriate approach for you to optimally orchestrate your area development. In doing so, we are your consultants, your sparring partners, your sources of impetus, and your facilitators for the process.

Illustration eines Netzwerks von Menschen

We love challenges

One size fits all – that’s not something we believe in. We dive into your specific challenges together with you and suggest appropriate approaches. Sometimes we start with the management team – sometimes we recommend a bottom-up process instead. It all depends on which basis we can and should build upon. What we always keep in sight: the interlocking of ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ factors – to best support your business objectives.

Profilbild von Beat Zeller, Berater bei ComTeam Schweiz

30 minutes for your positioning

We are happy to take the time to talk to you about current topics in your area. This gives us an initial assessment of which developments are particularly interesting for you.

Beat Zeller

Contact us – we look forward to making an appointment.

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