
Our Coaching Approach

Deutschland | Österreich | Schweiz

ComTeam AG | Academy + Consulting
Erlkamer Straße 4
83607 Holzkirchen, Deutschland

Peter Kraushaar

ComTeamGroup, Germany

My Contact Information:
Tel: +49 30 762 399 902
Mobil: +49 175 169 88 23

Coaching Education

Certified systemic Business Coach and Mental Coach

Further Trainings

  • “Presencing Foundation Program” with Otto Scharmer (MIT Boston, Theory U – leading from the future)
  • Advanced training in provocative coaching
  • Regular training and further education at ComTeam AG


  • Certified Business Coach – Free University, Berlin
  • Certified Mental Coach AHAB-Academy with Humboldt University, Berlin
  • Certified Facilitator for large groups according to IAF (International Association of Facilitators)
  • Career counseling “Business Model You Master Class” with Prof. Tim Clark
  • Certified Design Thinker, Hasso-Plattner-Institute, Potsdam
  • Certified Trainer Golden Profiler of Personality (GPOP)

Further Coaching Engagement

DBVC Senior Coach – Training management of ComTeam Business Coaching Training

Professional Background/Experience

  • Disciplinary and lateral leadership experience in industrial conglomerates and on the consulting side in sectors such as Automotive, Energy, Services, Food/Beverage, and E-Commerce
  • Management of sales partners and service providers
  • Long-term experience in strategic & operational brand and communication management
  • Lecturer for brand & communication planning at UDK Berlin, FOM (Berlin School of Economics and Management) and IMK Berlin since 2000
  • Long experience in professional development of young adults
  • Studied Business Administration at Ludwig Maximilian University Munich (Marketing, Empirical Organizational Development, Work and Organizational Psychology)

Main Topics

  • Potential development and (re)establishment, exploring and further developing the “Personal Identity”
  • Executive Coaching – Self-management, improving social skills, leading in complex and uncertain situations, accompanying transitions through digital change
  • Strategic Business Coaching for realignment of organizations/departments
  • Career Coaching – Consulting in crisis situations, further development and new placement

Target Groups

  • Executives and emerging leaders

  • Teams

Methods, Principles

Aiming to walk one’s own path authentically and independently, I value hands-on and solution-oriented methods that place individuals at the center in their self-confidence and personal responsibility. To better understand the coachee’s question and behavior, personality diagnostic procedures and systemic models are used. Techniques like self-reflective and external-reflective questioning, narrative interviews, solution-oriented short-term consulting, role clarification, and mental techniques are employed.

Coaching, Consulting, Training available in

German and English

My Personal Attitude

As a constructive nonconformist, it is important to me to make my clients act and operate authentically. Precision, a clear focus on your goal, appreciation, and humor are particularly important to me. Positive change and new things emerge from the head through emotion to effective behavior change. I am enthusiastic about the twist between tradition and modernity, between Latin American metropolis and powerful silence in nature.