
Our Coaching Approach

Germany | Austria | Switzerland

ComTeam AG | Academy + Consulting
Erlkamer Straße 4
83607 Holzkirchen, Deutschland

Rita Stadelmann

ComTeamGroup, Germany

My Contact Information:
Tel.: +49 8022 96660
Mobil: +49 179 3991694

Coaching Training

  • Systemic Conversation Training/Therapeutic Conversation Training
  • Systemic Strategy Development
  • Training in Gestalt Consultation
  • Training in Systemic Organizational Setup
  • Conversation Technique Voice Dialogue
  • Coach Guide – Advanced Module
  • European Business Coach Training European Academy corresponds to PAS-Norm 2029, certified by DIN CERTCO Business Coaching
  • Mastering and Accompanying Crises
  • Systemic Coaching Training
  • Certified Training by DCV

Further Training

Certified Advanced Training in Bioenergetic Exercises, Werner Bock Body Psychotherapy Würzburg, 2012 – 2017

Transaction Analysis, Organizational Development, Communication Theories

Certified by

German Federal Association of Coaching/DBVC, 2010

Professional Background/Experience

  • Freelance coach since 2012
  • 30 years of practical experience in a major German bank – including 15 years as a senior manager/director in a traditional leadership position (branch management) and in projects on customer communication and organizational development, employee coaching and training
  • Since 1992 lecturer and instructor at adult education institutions

Focus Topics

  • Support and accompaniment in complex decision-making situations
  • Reflection on one’s own leadership style and personal guiding principles
  • Identification of areas of action and problems
  • Joint development of authentic strategies for:
    • Strengthening existing resources
    • Expanding the current leadership/behavior/communication style
    • Feedback

Target Group

Managers and employees of all hierarchical levels, self-employed, entrepreneurs

Guidelines for my work/my personal attitude

My many years of practical experience in the finance/economic world and my training and further education in various humanistic theories (psychology/communication) influence my consulting/coaching style. The focus of the cooperation with you is on respectful, reliable, and open exchange that contains confrontational, clear goal-oriented, and also humorous elements.

In my opinion and based on my experience, coaching helps:

  • Identify inhibiting approaches,
  • Recognize, strengthen, and confidently use existing resources,
  • Regain independence/autonomy in action and behavior and develop (or further develop) authenticity.

Methods, Principles

  • Aufdecken von unbewussten Denk-/Verhaltensmustern, um bewusst Veränderungen herbeiführen zu können
  • Entwicklung von Frgestellungen zur Beobachtung des eigenen Verhaltens, mit dem Ziel, die Eigenwahrnehmung zu stärken und authentische Haltungen sowie Handlungsoptionen zu gewinnen
  • Einsatz von Rollengesprächen, unterstützende methodische/theoretische Inputs sowie Feedback

Geographische Lage

Süddeutschland, Berlin – Hamburg und bundesweit

Coaching in folgenden Sprachen möglich
