Niklas Berend

ComTeamGroup, Germany

My Contact Information:
Tel.: +49 30 762 399 900
Mobil: +49 170 925 07 81

Coaching Education

  • Qualification as a Coach (Center for Scientific Continuing Education, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
  • Content and methods of further training based on international standards for coaching according to relevant coaching associations (ICF, DCV, BDVC)

Further Trainings

  • Certified Coach LINC Personality Profiler (LPP) | LINC GmbH, a spin-off of Leuphana University Lüneburg
  • Design Thinking Training | Dark Horse GmbH, Berlin

Professional Background/Experience

  • Leadership experience (lateral and disciplinary) in HR development in the HealthCare sector and as a conceptual leader in the education sector
  • Several years of experience in various (HR) roles at Big Four consulting firms including operations, learning & development, and workshop design/facilitation
  • Master’s degree in Education Science | Focus on Media Pedagogy, Adult Education | Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

Main Topics

  • Role change: from expert to manager – Stepping into leadership: resource-oriented coaching in the context of self-leadership, self-management, and personal development
  • Accompanying change: coaching employees and managers accompanying transformation processes in the organization, e.g., in digitization projects or cultural developments

Target Groups

Emerging leaders, middle management, employees in expert roles

Coaching available in the following languages


My Personal Attitude

I have a genuine interest in the concerns and development of people and complement this foundation with a touch of humor and my humanistic attitude, creating a framework in which my clients can (re)discover personal resources and develop solutions.