
Our Coaching Approach

Deutschland | Österreich | Schweiz

ComTeam AG | Academy + Consulting
Erlkamer Straße 4
83607 Holzkirchen, Deutschland

Martin Graemer

ComTeamGroup, Germany

My Contact Information:
Tel.: +49 0822 96660
Tel.: +49 172 8389051



  • Systemic Conversation Training/Therapy Training
  • Systemic Coaching (ISB)
  • Solution-Oriented Systemic Consulting (Steve de Shazer and others)
  • Master’s Training (ISB)

Further Training

  • Career Coaching (ISB)
  • Transactional Analysis (Professio)
  • NLP (Loquenz)


Systemic Coach (ISB)

Professional Background/Experience

  • Degree in Business Administration (Diplom-Kaufmann)
  • Many years of international leadership in HR management (automotive industry, electrical industry, medical technology)
  • Extensive experience in strategy, culture, and change management processes
  • Experience with organizational transformation processes, M&As, reorganizations, project management, and the entire range of human resources topics
  • Working as a coach, team developer, and organizational consultant since 2010

Core Topics

  • Leadership and management topics
  • Self and relationship management
  • Change processes
  • Negotiations
  • Conflicts and crises
  • Work-life issues
  • Complex decisions

Target Groups

Executives and specialists

Methods, Principles

  • Systemic approaches
  • Solution and resource orientation
  • Transactional analysis
  • NLP
  • Mindfulness

Geographic Location

Rhein-Main, Rhein-Neckar

Coaching available in the following languages

German, English