Karin Krug

ComTeamGroup, Germany

My Contact Information:
Tel.: +49 (0)8022 96660
Tel.: +49 (0)89 26026374
Mobil: +49 (0)172 8255497
E-Mail: k.krug@comteamgroup.com

Professional Background/Experiences

  • MA in Theater Studies, LMU Munich, state-certified actress
  • For over 25 years, actress and singer. Focus on improvisational theater. More than 2,000 international performances and workshops, long-term work in companies
  • Managing partner, artistic director of impro company GbR

Main Topics as a Coach

Roles in leadership, expression, presence and impact, teamwork, soft skills in change

Target Groups

Executives, teams, project managers

Methods, Principles

Attention, respect, appreciation, perceiving the other and making them look good, humor as the engine of successful communication

Geographical Location

Munich (and surroundings)

Coaching available in the following languages

German, English

My Personal Attitude

Every question is important, clarification comes through contact.