ComTeam AG | Academy + Consulting
Erlkamer Straße 4
83607 Holzkirchen, Deutschland
Senior Consultant
Cooperation Partner at ComTeamGroup
My Contact Information:
Tel: +49 8022 96660
Mobil: +49 176 80807200
Leadership, Change, Collaboration, Self-management, Decision-making, Re-/Orientation, Communication, Conflicts.
Passionate about proactively shaping development for individuals, teams, or organizational units. Offers goal and solution-oriented consulting. Works in a structured, clear, practical, empathetic manner with a touch of humor. Benefits from a broad professional foundation and proven methods.
German and English.
Rhein-Main area.
Not just a working professional but also a mother of two children, partner, passionate horse rider, and more. Combines lightness and depth, supports in discovering new possibilities, finding solutions, and implementing them effectively.
ComTeam AG | Academy + Consulting
Bergfeldstraße 11
D-83607 Holzkirchen
+49 8022 96660
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