
Our Coaching Approach

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ComTeam AG | Academy + Consulting
Erlkamer Straße 4
83607 Holzkirchen, Deutschland

kult:agil® – agile culture process


Accompanying phases and keeping people in focus

kult:agil® is our implementation of agile cultural processes. Agile, not because it is currently trendy, but because it adheres to a fundamental principle that ComTeam has been applying for decades. Every change needs to be made visible and tangible to people as early as possible. Especially with cultural processes, a golden rule is to cut the “culture package” into small bites. This makes cultural development in the company possible from an early stage and over a longer period.

In our agile cultural process kult:agil®, we consider two levels: The first level is the management of the individual phases. The second level is what happens to the people during cultural development.

Approach in the kult:agil® method

  • “Get it!” > A prerequisite for effective cultural change is the comprehensibility of why and what things are being done.
  • “Feel it!” > The concrete experience of all participants, how interaction with colleagues feels according to new cultural rules.
  • “Live it!” > The transfer of already tried and tested cultural rules into everyday life. The application in recurring, regular actions.
  • “Love it!” > If the first steps are satisfactory for everyone, the new culture emerges and stabilizes. Over time, it is internalized and naturally implemented.

The four imperatives “Get it!”, “Feel it!”, “Live it!” and “Love it!” are the essential steps of sustainable cultural change.

The three phases decide & construct, design & shape, and prototype & transform structure the development process:

  • Decide & construct > A clear decision to embark on the journey and construct the right approach.
  • Design & shape > Based on the current situation (actual culture), the target culture is specified. Prioritization and definition take place regarding where in the organization the change should happen.
  • Prototype & transform > Culture in small bites is implemented at various points in the organization. Change saplings are nurtured and showcased, stumbling blocks and new paths are recognized, and the process is continuously advanced.

Supporting four important streams, without which nothing happens in cultural development:

  • Context work
  • Qualification & Labs
  • Processes & Tools
  • Change-Story & Communication

Sustainable Benefits for Your Successful Cultural Development

Many of our clients desire a target culture that is not just communicated in high gloss. Rather, they want effective impulses that bring about a truly tangible change in culture. With kult:agil®, we work together with a unique approach. This allows us to enable the sustainable and systematic implementation of your cultural development.

We see ourselves in this implementation as partners on equal footing with differentiated experience in cultural processes.

Information and Consulting

Martin Graemer

Contact us – we are happy to advise you on your individual cultural topic.